viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Wich is the best place for a photograph? Of course the bathroom!!

This is defenitly one of my favourites photographs, taken by one of my best friends, Fernanda, in November, 11 of 2011. our last year of high school.

It was one of the last days of class, in fact, the last week. Before the graduation and taken the PSU, we wanted to liberate our self of an opresive school of nuns...Not so opresive, but we all hate it a litte bit at the end, you know, so much pray, an bible, an visits to the chruch every single month, it's exhaustic. An the inspectors didn't let us do anything, so we wanted to be rebels for one day. And one of ours best idea was taking a photo on the bathroom, and it was veeery funny!!

On the picture they are: Pauli, Isaías, Pía, Feña, Silvia and me (from left to right), almost all my group of friends in highschool.

Honestly, I don't remember who has the idea, or why had to be the bathroom, but certenly, I will NEVER forget this picture.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

All my love to the Winchester brothers

The road so far...

It was the year 2009, I was in second year of high school and decided to watch one serie that captured my attention when sow his promo on  TV: Supernatural, with fifteen years old, unaware that would became in my favorite TV show EVER.

The serie is about two brothers looking for his father, a hunter that disappeared when was hunting. The thing is, that mosnters really exist, and he was chasing after one. For that reason, Dean Winchester, the older brother who always followed to his dad, asks his little brother Sam to help him to find his father. That way, both brothers return to the old times of hunting together, face to all kind of scary and evil creatures.

At night, with the door closed and the light off, sitting alone infornt of thecomputer, with the headphones put, I watch Supernatural and in many times jump of fear! But it can't be helped, I love it! That emotion of not knowing what will happen, who's the monster, what kind, if they will live or die. The spot caught me completely, and the mistery, action, music and funny times. But specially the characters, and actors! They're all sooooooo funny.

One thing that I really, really love of this show, is the importance taht give to the family and friendship, and the love they have. Dean has teach me that I can do everything to help my beloved ones, it doesn't exist any obstacle to be with them or do anything. To give all of me and never surrender. That life many times sucks, and it is cruel, but you have to keep fighting for what you believe in. And if you are with your belowed ones, it doen't matter if you lose a lot of things, because you have everything. (Yes, Dean is my favourite character :B, and the most funny xd).

This is the Winchester's motto:

More than nothing, it's about family... and fight against demon to keep the world save :). 

And also I love it because the actors are very funny, and have a very good relationship between them, specially Jensen Ackles (Dean) and Jared Padalecki (Sam).

How not to love Supernatural?

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Oh dear tablet...

There is one piece of technology I can say I love, and it is my tablet. Yes, that little rectangle with one screen that you can use like a mini computer, easy to move and handle, but no advisable to do homeworks. 

I practically use it for everything. Watch videos on youtube, listen to music, watch anime, movies and series, search on internet, enter on social networks, write (for personal pleasure and some works, very little), take photos and read (texts for university, mangas, and books that I like it). Everyday I watch the weader before leaving the department, and wake up with his alarm. I also talk a lot with my friends through facebook messenger. So, I maybe depend on it. A little bit. At least, without my tablet, I would be very boring, and it would be most difficult study and speak with my friends and family.

I got it in august of the past year, because my notebook was bad, and I only used it to write works, but I couldn't read or do anything else. For that reason, my dad decided to buy me my beloved tablet. And I really like it, 'cause I can do almost everything with it, and it's very practical. Well, thats why I used it every day. Even when I'm travel back home! (And in my house, my dad and my brother always want to use it).

At this moment, I can't imagine how life would be withouth my tablet. Probably, I'll do my homeworks on my aunt notebook's and would watch more TV. And, the most important for me, I couldn't write as much as I want.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

My fourth semester of Journalism until now

It began well, but everything became wrong when I get sick, two weeks ago. My throat was inflamed, and I coughing all the time, so much that I thought that my throat will break. I was so bad, that I couldn’t do no task for the university. So, when I returned, had a lot of things to do.

I have good teachers, in almost all the courses of the university, and this semester has been very practical, what is great for one side (more entertaining), but problematic for the other one (many task in few time). The schedule is awful for me, because the classes start early, and Fridays I get out late. Maybe 5 p.m. it’s not so late, but for people who travel back home in another cities, like me, is it.

Until now, things have not been so stressful, but in next weeks the exams begin, and there is a lot of texts to read and works to do, so I will be very bad and in the limits of collapse. Even thought, I think I will turn out well of that one.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015


In a sunshine day of october, Wednesday 20 of 1993 to be more specific, I was born. In a little city call Santa Cruz, located on the center of the longest and narrow country of all the world, Chile, same city were I lived during two years with my parents. After that, we moved to the town of Nancagua, near to the city, and stay there for another seven years, until we finally changed to Curicó, were we actually live.

I’m the biggest sister of four children, and the only one who lives in Santiago because of the study. My two brothers and sister stay in Curicó with my parents, and we miss each other. But I have to finish the carrer of Journalism, because I already quit to Psychology.